‘Biophilic Bliss’ Ketubah

The layered imagery in this Ketubah harvests thematic notions of nature, seasons of love and the four seasons, which continually regenerate and renew like the cycles of life. Here, all the collaged material inspired by the elements of nature merge to create an organic veil overlay.

The couples’ initials are rendered in metallic silver paint, which together with the dusted turquoise and aqua iridescent pigment powder, allow the Ketubah’s surface to softly sparkle with a shimmer that catches, captures and kisses the light.
The hymn “אני לדודי ודודי לי – I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine ” (Song of Songs – Shir HaShirim 6:3), a romantic declaration between husband and wife written by King Solomon wraps around the initials to create a dome. This psalm evokes the intrinsic commitment, care and responsibility mutually undertaken as husband and wife embark on life’s voyage in one vessel.

The applications of paint threaded into this intricate ecosystem reflects the fated destiny of these two souls woven into each others’ lives, whilst referencing the soils for a family and life to flourish in, and grow forth from.

Images of the Ketubah signing and wedding ceremony courtesy of Chris Kapa Photography