The Higher Love Ketubah

“Think about it, there must be higher love
Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above”
– Higher Love, Steve Winwood.

This Ketubah, sharing in the same name as this song visualises a connection that is transcendental and boundless.

The psalm “Many waters can not extinguish love, and rivers will not wash it” from Song of Solomon 8:7 iterates the unstoppable and unwavering force of this love and connects to the oceanic elements in the background. Wrapping around a Magen David (which itself is echoed), it gestures the shape of an enclosure – which foreshadows the home that will be created and the union of these two souls as one.

Through this union, souls soar  across time and space- into an ether of eternity, into a place of higher love.

This artwork is also available in two other versions;  a more saturated version (below).

It is also available in this version below, which does not have all the white marbling manifest in the version at the very beginning, yet is has a softer white veil than the version above.

If you have any questions or want to customise this further, speak to Ryan