The brief: Wanting to use their influence and resources to encourage waves of good in a world of increasing hate and hurt, in this fictional the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation seek to sponsor a campaign that gamifies goodwill and encourages acts of kindness.
The response: Drawing upon the insight that love makes the world go round, this campaign seeks to visualise the differences each human can make through acts of kindness, and the aggregate total impact of paying it forward. In the universe of this campaign, the unit of measure for acts of kindness are “love steps” – with each step having a related value to the rotation of the Earth.
The key collateral for this campaign visualises humans of many shapes, colours and sizes walking. Through the collective and cumulative total of their “love steps”, together they cause the world to turn.
Headline: “Love makes the world go round. Even 1.5 m apart let’s keep it turning together”.
Audience: This campaign profiles people in the 21-45 age demographic, across all genders. As this audience segment comprises a significant portion of the population that are technology fluent and literate, an application that gamifies the intention to inspire goodwill was deemed an effective and relevant instrument.
Channels: The channels for this campaign include both Above the Line and Below the Line approaches. Above the line channels will include strategically placed billboards in high traffic areas. Targeted and personalised below the line advertisements will run across social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok and Youtube – catching audience demographics likely to participate in the app engagement. The above GIF demonstrates a prototype that can be sized and scaled across these social media channels. All digital advertisements will have a CTA button which redirects users to a landing page where they can sign up.
The Love Steps App: After creating a profile, users can accrue points through performing and logging acts of kindness. These points can be redeemed at participating charities of the users selection. Corporate companies can offer donation matching programs, such as the Accenture Corporate Citizenship Portal. Ultimately, every act of kindness is rewarded through contribution to a nominated charity, helping to turn the world and ‘paying it forward’. Users can also interact with friends through the app, compare “love steps” and together engage in challenges to accrue more points. All these functions help support application engagement and utilisation among social networks.
On the dashboard of the app, the “love steps” are counted to reflect the users accrued acts of kindness. As each love step visualises the rotation of the earth, the user is able to conceptualise how their individual actions contribute to the greater whole. Future iterations of the campaign can include competition elements between communities and cities, thereby expanding coverage and reach.
Site specific activations: Users can share their accrued “love steps” with intelligent site specific sculptures installed in high profile strategically selected precincts. Here a corresponding transmitter connected to a motor receives the users’ “love step” data which powers the Earth sculpture to rotate. This public demonstration helps to articulate and animate the key messaging of the campaign – returning to the premise of love making the world go round.

Campaign Measurement: Data driven insights will be analysed to track campaign effectiveness, coverage and user engagement levels. Other metrics will include “love steps” accrued by participating geographical regions and the consequential points redeemed at partnering charities. These ongoing measurement activities will be leveraged to inform successive horizons of the campaign and its evolution.
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